Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Inspiration of Thomas Kinkade

Thomas Kinkade - The Painter of Light

I just finished watching a Hallmark movie called "Thomas Kinkade's Christmas Cottage", which is based on the early years of Thomas Kinkade. It told the story of how he painted a town mural that captured the essence of his town. At first he took the job to earn money to help his mother get their cottage out of foreclosure, but his artist, neighbor Glen, encouraged him to paint from the heart. It is a wonderful heartwarming story of how the spirit of Christ softens people’s hearts and inspires them to greatness.

I was really touched by this movie. There are similarities in my life. The mother was always giving to everyone in the town but wouldn’t seek for help from the town’s people, afterall the only thing that she had left was her “pride”. In the end she allowed others to help her.

Glen encouraged Thomas. He didn’t teach him how to paint but why to paint. Thomas’s love and encouragement of Glen inspired him to paint his final masterpiece, which he gave to the family to save the home. Glen’s encouragement of Thomas put him on the road to greatness.

What is my talent? What will be my masterpiece? I feel it surging inside me to get out. I have glimpses of my “Impossible Dream”. I just need the vision and courage to bring it out. I can see the sculpture taking shape inside the block of marble. I just have to figure out how I am going to get rid of the excess marble. There is no worn path for me to follow. I have to blaze my own trail. I cannot do it alone. I have to have the guidance of God and the support of others to get me there.

I do not consider myself a writer and yet I find myself writing to try and describe the turmoil that boils inside me. These jumbled emotions and dreams and doubts that fight within my soul. At times I am so discouraged that I am paralyzed with self-doubt and discouragement. Then the light of Christ shines through the darkness and illuminates the possibilities to the point that I begin to dream that impossible dream.

My dear friend Abera and his wonderful family
I love people! I want to help people all over the world. I want to help people lift themselves out of the poverty that they wallow in, not only physical but emotional and spiritual. Life can be such a grand adventure if we will trust in the Savior and follow His plan for us. It is lined with difficulties and challenges not to discourage us, but to build us so that we can reach the potential that we have within us. He wants us to have joy in this life even though we have trials and challenges. If fact, when viewed through His vision we see how those trials are stepping stones to eternal happiness.

Satan would discourage us, have us view our trials as insurmountable obstacles that impede our happiness. He would have us believe that avoiding those tough times by not trying would ease our pain. He would try and convince us that a loving God, if there was one, would never allow His children to suffer. Satan twists the truth into attractively decorated lies, which confuse us and distract us from the real purpose of life. He would make all of us miserable, like he is, by telling us life is not worth fighting for. He would numb our senses with distractions and enticements that pull us away from our true purpose in life and the fountain of real joy and happiness.

We have to stay focused on the light. This is what Glen taught Thomas about painting, Thomas Kinkade, The Painter of Light. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all follow his example and make the light shine as Thomas has? The Savior admonished us to “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven”. Thomas has the gift of painting. What is your gift? What is my gift? How do I light the world with my contribution? How do I nurture that inspiration so that it will grow within me from an idea, to a plan, to actions, and to results? I pray that the Lord will help me and that He will help you in your quest to reach your “Impossible Dream!”

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