How can I help? I can't travel to Africa or donate large sums of money. I am so busy with life I can hardly keep up. What can I do? I am not sure if I have anything that I can contribute.
If you have asked yourself these questions or wondered what your mission in life could be, the following stories might help you. The first is about a salty cowboy and the other a beautiful lady. Originally I thought that I would use the names but I think that they might prefer to be the example in deed and not in name.
I first met my cowboy friend about ten years ago. He didn't appear to be anything special but his looks deceived me and many others, under neither that rough exterior was a heart of gold. Where his excellence became apparent was in a primary class at church. He had been given a tough class of seven year olds with one boy that no one could control, but he was able to. Week after week he would sit with his class and many times be holding this particular boy in a big bear hug. In spite of the fight you could always see the love of the Savior emanating from this man's face. Months past and the boy melted into the cowboy's biggest fan. A bond of love had tamed the savage little boy when he was with the cowboy.
The cowboy recently passed away as he was out gathering cattle. You would think that someone who had no grand position in life would not make that much difference in the lives of others but he did as was evident by the many people that came to express condolences to his widow and children. He will go out of the world much like he lived in an ordinary pine box with his brand burned upon it but he endowed those of us who knew him with the secret to eternal prosperity. Thank you Cowboy for your great example to us.
The second story is of a high school choir teacher that started planning during the summer how she could make a difference. She carefully selected music that would inspire her choir students. At the first of the year she explained to them that she wanted to use their concert to help someone. She asked the students to look around for a worthy cause. This was a great way for the students to open their minds to the challenges of other people. They selected a family that was raising funds to adopt children from outside the US. The family put together a slide show of children smiling with their adoptive families. It was titled Local Families Answering The Prayer of The Children and was shown as the choir sang Kurt Bestor's The Prayer of the Children. No one in the choir or audience will every hear that song again without thinking of the powerful message that we received that evening.
This wonderful choir teacher acted on some simple ideas that came during the summer and helped many to see how local families were endowing prosperity on the children that they adopted. The concert gave all in attendance a chance to endow prosperity on a few of God's precious children and be uplifted in the process. Thank you to the choir director.
In both of these cases the individuals probably didn't see their actions as extraordinary but they were! Simple acts of love and courage, reaching out to lift their fellowmen. This is what endowed prosperity is all about. Each person reaching out in their circle of influence and making a difference in people's lives. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Reach out and lift those around with whatever talents and tools you posses. Be the answer to the prayer of the children like these great teachers were.
If you have asked yourself these questions or wondered what your mission in life could be, the following stories might help you. The first is about a salty cowboy and the other a beautiful lady. Originally I thought that I would use the names but I think that they might prefer to be the example in deed and not in name.
I first met my cowboy friend about ten years ago. He didn't appear to be anything special but his looks deceived me and many others, under neither that rough exterior was a heart of gold. Where his excellence became apparent was in a primary class at church. He had been given a tough class of seven year olds with one boy that no one could control, but he was able to. Week after week he would sit with his class and many times be holding this particular boy in a big bear hug. In spite of the fight you could always see the love of the Savior emanating from this man's face. Months past and the boy melted into the cowboy's biggest fan. A bond of love had tamed the savage little boy when he was with the cowboy.
The cowboy recently passed away as he was out gathering cattle. You would think that someone who had no grand position in life would not make that much difference in the lives of others but he did as was evident by the many people that came to express condolences to his widow and children. He will go out of the world much like he lived in an ordinary pine box with his brand burned upon it but he endowed those of us who knew him with the secret to eternal prosperity. Thank you Cowboy for your great example to us.
The second story is of a high school choir teacher that started planning during the summer how she could make a difference. She carefully selected music that would inspire her choir students. At the first of the year she explained to them that she wanted to use their concert to help someone. She asked the students to look around for a worthy cause. This was a great way for the students to open their minds to the challenges of other people. They selected a family that was raising funds to adopt children from outside the US. The family put together a slide show of children smiling with their adoptive families. It was titled Local Families Answering The Prayer of The Children and was shown as the choir sang Kurt Bestor's The Prayer of the Children. No one in the choir or audience will every hear that song again without thinking of the powerful message that we received that evening.
This wonderful choir teacher acted on some simple ideas that came during the summer and helped many to see how local families were endowing prosperity on the children that they adopted. The concert gave all in attendance a chance to endow prosperity on a few of God's precious children and be uplifted in the process. Thank you to the choir director.
In both of these cases the individuals probably didn't see their actions as extraordinary but they were! Simple acts of love and courage, reaching out to lift their fellowmen. This is what endowed prosperity is all about. Each person reaching out in their circle of influence and making a difference in people's lives. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Reach out and lift those around with whatever talents and tools you posses. Be the answer to the prayer of the children like these great teachers were.
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